


I am a computer science student researcher who is doing a PhD at the University of Hull. My project title is Using Big Data and AI to dynamically predict flood risk.

I started out teaching myself about various web technologies, and then I managed to get a place at University, where I am now. I've previously done a degree (BSc Computer Science) and a Masters (MSc Computer Science with Security and Distributed Computing) at the University of Hull. I've done a year in industry too, which I found to be particularly helpful in learning about the workplace and the world.

I currently know Javascript (Browser + Node.js), CSS3, HTML5 etc, Python (Tensorflow, PyTorch, etc), Jupyter Notebook (best for small things not large things), PHP, C / C++ (mainly for Arduino), some Rust, and C# + Monogame / XNA (+ WPF). Oh yeah, and I can use XSLT too. I should format this list better at some point.

I love to experiment and learn about new things on a regular basis. You can find some of the things that I've done in the labs and code sections of this website, or on GitHub (both in my personal time and for my PhD). My current big personal projects are Pepperminty Wiki, an entire wiki engine in a single file (the source code is spread across multiple files - don't worry!), and WorldEditAdditions.

I can also be found in a number of other different places around the web. I've compiled a list of the places that I can remember below.



I can be contacted at the email address webmaster at starbeamrainbowlabs dot com. Suggestions, bug reports and constructive criticism are always welcome.

For those looking for my GPG key, you can find it here. My key id is C2F7843F9ADF9FEE264ACB9CC1C6C0BB001E1725, and is uploaded to the public keyserver network, so you can download it with GPG like so: gpg --keyserver hkps:// --recv-keys C2F7843F9ADF9FEE264ACB9CC1C6C0BB001E1725


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Teaching this September

A banner from a game long lost. Maybe I'll remake it and finish it someday.


Believe it or not, I'm going to be teachificatinating a thing at University this semester, which starts at the end of this month and lasts until around December-ish time (yeah, I'm surprised too).

It's called Secure Digital Infrastructure, and I'll be teaching Linux and system administration skills, so that includes the following sorta-areas:

(related posts aren't necessarily the exact content I'm going to cover, but are related)

To this end, it is quite stressful and is taking significantly more energy than I expected to prepare for this.

I definitely want to talk about it here, but that will likely happen after the fact - probably some time in January or February.

Please be patient with me as I navigate this new and unexpected experience :-)


A banner from a game long lost. Maybe I'll remake it and finish it someday.

By on




Note: This section is still under construction, so excuse the mess :-) TODO ALL the icons to make this look pretty; add recent posters + papers etc

A map of the UK with yellow and purple circles dotted all over it. The circles represent positve and negative sentiment of social media posts analysed and plotted on a map. This image was produced by an MSc student named on the paper. Real-time social media sentiment analysis for rapid impact assessment of floods

Classifying multimodal text + images via sentiment analysis from social media with contrastive learning aids situational awareness in floods.

Using multimodal data and AI to dynamically map flood risk

Coming soon :-)


I find useful tools on the internet occasionally. I will list them here.

Art by Mythdael